
What is the scientific confidence I can have in your measured materials ?

The measurement process was initiated in collaboration with the French public lab LTDS which is a unit of the national CNRS research organization (UMR 5513). The ongoing developments are managed in close link between Matereal and LTDS. The scientific approach is therefore a core aspect of our work

How did you get the materials used in the database ?

We have gathered the different samples of materials by getting directly in contact with the various manufacturers. All the materials presented in our website where measured by out team and our specific process.

Is the database going to be extended soon ?

Yes, we are currently implementing new awesome materials, and we will be measuring more and more in the next weeks.


How can I purchase a measurement file ?

You need to first purchase credits in the “pricing” section. Then you will be able to select the files, using the corresponding credits in the “measured materials” section.

On-demand measurements